With the help of my sweetest husband ---- we were able to get my old page back up and running again. If you would like to continue to keep up with me in my world, please visit my webpage at:
Please be sure to bookmark this for the future.
Love you all!
My New Webpage
Posted by Becca at 10:27 PM 1 comments
The Biggest Loser!
Tonight watching this and watching children follow the examples of their parents unhealthy eating makes me so sad. I started to cry because this is one of my BIGGEST fears as a person who wants start a family and to have it be a healthy one. Do you want to have your children follow your example and have the same issues that you have had to deal with? Do you want to have medical issues? Do you want to have yourself, your loved ones, your family and friends to be worried about your health and life because you choice to live an unhealthy lifestyle? To enjoy that bucket of chicken or to enjoy your favorite TV show instead of getting your exercise in or preparing your meals for the next day.
I am determined to change my life NOW. I am more determined now than I was before. I told myself that the next thing you know that I am going to be “crying or cursing Corinne’s name out loud during my workouts because I am going to make all my workouts be my LAST CHANCE workout! Remembering that 80% of losing weight is what goes in my mouth!
This biggest loser and the return of the girls from Phat Camp came just in time for me to get motivated! ☺ I have been in a flunk for a while, I don’t have a good reason, and I just have been. I am ready to change that for me, my future! I may not like all parts of the journey but I am READY to do it.
So what are you going to do? How much do you appreciate life? How much do you want to ENJOY life instead of living life? I am ready to do it. I am ready to make the changes; I am willing to sacrifice things that I enjoy sticking in my mouth to be able to enjoy my life to the FULLEST!
The things I enjoy the most about biggest loser is the “hard love”. I enjoy the hard-core part of it! I want a trainer to yell at me!!! Corinne, will you please yell at me when you see things in my diet or my exercises that could be better than they are? PLEASE!
New goal for the Biggest Loser Season! During each episode, I am vowing to do 20 pushups or sit-ups or pullins or popsquats during EACH commercial break! Am I insane? YES! Can I do it? If I put my mind to it, YES I CAN! Why do I want to do it? Cause I am a crazy :) :) Is there anyone with me on this? I got Vincent’s commitment to do 5 situps.
DON’T QUIT UNLESS YOU ARE PUKING OR DEAD! That’s my motto for this season.
Posted by Becca at 10:23 PM 0 comments
A Great Workout!
I went to the gym right after I got excused from Jury Duty so that I had NO excuse not to go there. :) I had a GREAT leg day! I was pushing it like there was no tomorrow. I was DRIPPING sweat like a man, I was a sweaty little pig. I was so happy and pleased with myself. :) I set up my little area and had to walk to a machine, when I came back some guy was looking at my area and another guy said "I wouldn't mess with her stuff .. she is a tiger" Haha! I smiled at him .. I said "thanks". He said "well you are one girl that doesn't smile a lot during her workouts but makes a lot of mean faces and looks dead serious ....." I said "Yah, I am here to workout not to make friends during my workouts .." :) Then I went on with my workout!
I love walking away from the gym feeling like I gave it my all and I worked out like a manic. :) I JUST love it!
And I did it!!! My plan for the week! TO KEEP IT UP! I love it when I get in a mode like this ... its like "watch out boys and girls ......" Do you see this picture in the blog? I want to be like her!!! I wanna look HOT when I am a sweaty mess!!!
Posted by Becca at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Today -- my day went GREAT. I have a little NSV for myself today. I went to starbucks to get a cup of ice and I was able to walk in and ask for this and NOT get a coffee even though I wanted to SO bad. :)
I went to the gym, I did my UB workout --- blasted through 306caloies in 30 mins so I was happy about that. Tonight, I went on my walk/run with Vincent -- I burned up 276 calories in 30 mins and 2 miles. So a total of 582 calorie burn for the day! I am so proud of Vincent as well. He REALLY pushed himself and did a couple of lags of running with me. :) Woohoo! Maybe he will become a running buddy with me. **CROSSING MY FINGERS** Our next date for walking/ running is Wednesday night.
Here is my menu for the day. I am feeling GREAT about my food, my exercise today. I feel like I am in CONTROL of my day and I love that feeling.
Tomorrow, I found out that I have Jury Duty. Ugh! I was so hoping that I wouldn't get called in during my period of time on the list. My plan for tomorrow: FC in the morning with my run- 3miles, then I will get ready and go to Jury Duty. I am going to pack my lunch though I am not sure what it will be like since I dont know what it is like to do Jury Duty. I am packing some grapes, almonds and things in my purse so I will be able to eat my snacks throughout the day. I am planning on going and doing my leg workout tomorrow on the way home. :)
This is my day and my planned out day for tomorrow. :)Posted by Becca at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Yes, Indeed I am a runner ..
When you are running, is it that you are running to something or toward something? Today was my first time in a LONG, LONG time that I was able to run 3/4 at a full time. So my question I was asking myself was are you running to something or toward something. In my mind, if you are RUNNING TO something -- its like you are running as fast as you can to be able to get there. Like a relay or something. But if you running toward something -- you have something in mind, you have a place to go or finish and you kept running toward it and it doesn't mean how long it takes as long as you get there. Right?
I am so proud of myself today. Today, I made a BREAK through in my own fitness world. Here is a summary of my run today, first 1/8th of the mile I walked, then I ran at my snail pace but I said that its more important to get to the trail head which was 3/4 of a mile ahead of me than breaking a world record ... I RAN THE WHOLE 3/4 of a mile .... walked 1/8 of a mile, ran 1/8 of mile like that the whole 1 mile, then I ran back 3/4 mile. This is all I could do today, I AM VERY low on energy due to this tummy virus but I did it. So today I proved to myself that I am able to run at least 1.5 mile though I have to take turns .... Phew! I am so proud of myself.
Posted by Becca at 11:46 AM 0 comments
I am a fake runner ...
Today I decided to go on my walk/ run. At some point and time when I was on this walk ... I just started to cry. I felt like I was a "loser" in the running world, like I am just a big fake when it comes to calling myself a runner. I can't run more than a couple of minutes without having to take a break, sometimes a long walking break before I can start running again. I am just feel like I am a not REALLY a runner but I just a faux runner. Sigh! Will I ever be able to run? Some people say that its more of a mental thing but how do I just break free of that? I dont know why I can't break free from it. Why was I crying over running? Maybe I was just being emotional but I am just having a hard time -- I keep asking myself why I even thought for a second that I could run the Phoenix 1/2 Marathon.
I just dont know what to do besides keep practicing, practicing ---- But I still keep asking myself if I will be able to be a runner some day? Will I ever be able to run a constant mile? Why can't I do it?
Posted by Becca at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Oh ..... Mackafe has come back ...
Today, I woke up to my macbook waiting me to turn it on, drink a cup of coffee with my macbook in my laptop --- I am feeling like today is a GREAT day.
Posted by Becca at 9:38 AM 1 comments
do you see the apple in my eye .....
Today, my wonderful hubby bought me a MACBOOK pro. Oh, how I do love macs. I wasn't expecting it at all today either. Don't get me wrong, I would take it and be happy but I went to get him something and we ended up getting me a macbook. You see when we first got married, he had boughten a mac laptop that I pretty much took over, I fell in love with it .. One morning, I woke up to seeing some of the pixels dead in it .... What a sad day. So we bought me an iMac, I had this for awhile but I got frustrated with the lack of software that I could get with it. I converted to PC ... ever since that day, I have never REALLY been happy with any of my computers, I have always longed to have a mac again ..... Even when I got my more recent laptop, I would have been happier getting a mac .... So today my world is a little more complete with a new MACBOOK pro sitting on my lap as I type this out. I feel like a gitty little school girl or maybe it is more of a spoiled girl cause I got what I REALLY would love to have but one thing is for sure .. I AM VERY happy with it. Now, I am going to give my newer but "old" laptop to my hubby.
Posted by Becca at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Another thought about pregnancies and babies ......
Why are they all around me? Every time I turn around there is another person who I find out who is having a baby. I keep thinking WHAT ABOUT ME? What about us? Why do some people just have to look at someone and practically get pregnant and enjoy a full term pregnancy? Granted, we have to get a few things in life in order before then but makes me then think about our little peanut. Sigh! Why did we have to loose our little peanut? We would be in our last trimester and we would REALLY be enjoying having this little wee one and etc ......... But instead its just sorrow that builds up in my heart when I think about it. Does the pain ever really go away? Do you ever forget about it? Do you ever really feel whole again?
I hope that someday that I will have a wee little one and we will be able to love them and enjoy them. I can't wait to hear the words ..... Daaadddddyyyy ..... as they come running to him as he gets home from work (yes baby you will probably end up back in the office when our kids grow older and they can talk to you 24/7 ... how will you be able to work with me and the baby and our constant chatter?)
Some day, I just hope that we will be able to enjoy the life of being parents. Not to sound better than we are or anything but I think Vincent and I are going to make awesome parents. Why? Cause we are both fun, loving and we are good people. We will give the shirt off our back to make the next person feel warm. I just think that we will be good parents and I can't wait to see what our life will make ..... I can't wait too be able to look in the back of our car and see a little car seat as we are on our way to go and get groceries, meet daddy for lunch, go to the gym (yes this will still happen). I just can't wait for all the things that people get to experience being parents. I think its going to be great (and yes, I know that there is heartache with having children ... I am not that dumb)... I can't wait for our turn.
A lot of things go through this mind of mine ...... And honestly, sometimes I just get overwhelmed.
Posted by Becca at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Snowball of life ....
It seems like lately every time Vincent and I turn around there is someone else telling us about some sort of bad news. Why? What is going on in this world? I mean seriously we are just trying to live our life .... taking things one day at a time but this year has not been a good year for Vincent and I when it comes to "good things" happening around us. Don't get me wrong .... we have had good things happen as well but we have also had a lot of crap to deal with this year. Things that REALLY effect us of individuals on our own lives. What is going on?
Sometimes, I just feel like since my grampa died there is this snowball effect and we are just just rolling down a hill and hitting a little bit of bad news here and there and making the snowball never melt or get small enough to get out of. Sigh!!! It just seems like we have had my grampas death, our miscarriage, friends getting cancer, uncle bob's wife of 29 years left him, friends going off the deep end and losing their heads ...... whatever else that I am trying to repress so I dont have to think about ....
Some days, I just want to go to the moon so that no one can call me, write me, or anything to tell me about something else. I guess I worry about the next call or something will be about Vincent's health (if I lost him, I would absoutely die) or worse yet one of our parents.
Here is to hoping that things will calm down, we will get a breather and life will start settling down again! How do I get out of this snowball of life?
Posted by Becca at 10:26 PM 1 comments
40lbs in 12 months ....
Cris and I were talking on the boat one day and we both want to lose close to 40lbs before going to Peru or at least, be in the fittest shape we can before going. We don't want to get winded when we are out walking around or whatever! So today starts our goal of 40lbs in 12 months. This is COMPLETELY reasonable and we can do it. We both didn't want to make a goal where it would seem impossible to achieve so we made it VERY attainable. All we have to do is to obtain this goal is: lose 3.33lbs per month.
We have 14 months until the trip but we have to make sure we have clothes and outfits for the trip. :)
Here's too us Cris! We will be looking back in a year from now and be look at how far we have come!
What this means for me? I will be at my goal weight when I go. I want to be at my goal weight before I hit the borders of Peru! ;) I think that just having this goal seems easier for me to achieve as its 12 months and I am going to be doing it with a friend. :)
Love ya Cris!
Posted by Becca at 8:49 AM 2 comments
Camping at Billy Chinook
WOW! All I have to say --- Why have I never been here before? It was gorgeous weather, beautiful lake! The pictures can't even do justice to the great beauty there. I just absolutely love it there and plan on making this a yearly tradition.
Saturday -- we left to get down there. The drive down was beautiful and gorgeous. Always have a great time being in the car with Vincent. ;) We sing, we laugh .... good times always with the two of us together.Sunday- We rented a patio boat. This started out a lot of fun. I tubed behind it, we saw a beautiful waterfall where swimming was there -- lots of fun. Toward the end of the day, we had a scare when the boat was filling up with water, getting lower in the water than it should. For awhile there, I was a little nervous but I knew Captain Jim had it taken care of and we would be oka. Finally got back to the marina and on save ground! Phew!
Monday- We lounged this day. Not a lot of us where really up too much after the scare, I think a lot of us were just overtired. Vincent and I played cards, we drove around to be able to take some pictures and had a relaxing camping day.Tuesday- Back at the water for some more fun. I went tubing a couple of times behind Clyde's boat. This was a lot of fun --- a lot of giggling and a lot of fun. ;) This experience of course made it where Vincent and I were like "we want a boat" but we did just have a lot of fun together.
Wednesday- Tuesday nights wind gusts were so loud that not a lot of us slept very good, we had originally thought we would rent another patio boat but we decided not too. This was another day of resting, lounging around the campsite. Thomas and a few people decided to go diving and found a few treasures but other than that not too much excitment happened.
Thursday- We both were sick this day; Vincent and I got some nasty colds so we laid around the campground, read, played cards together. Sat in the sun. This was nice day for us to relax and recoup.Friday- Steve joined us back down at the campground, we rented another patio boat and played in the water all day. We went to one end of the river/ lake and the fish there were jumping out of the water like popcorn. It was amazing. I have never seen the fish do this before. It was pretty cool; again another relaxing day of trolling on the water, enjoying each others company together.
Saturday- Packing up to leave! Boo! I looked forward to seeing our pups cause I missed them so much but I was sad to see us say good bye to the camping experience and parting with friends. It was a lot of fun together so I guess I just didn't want it to end yet .......
Every night when we were there, we made fresh ice cream. Who would have thought when you are camping you could make fresh ice cream. It is this "ice cream ball" and you shake it around for 30 mins. Its was pretty cool experience. Though it does not yield much per serving, we were able to each have a couple of bites of homemade ice cream. :) Only one night the smores' got taken out and this was just because we had Mr. Thomas there and I had to be sure that he got his smores in as requested. :)
I got to just about 700 pictures so I need to resize them but until then you can enjoy a few of these. :) Love to all of ya!
Posted by Becca at 5:20 PM 0 comments
NSV for myself ...
I am down ONE POUND this week! How? I am not sure since the ice cream was screaming my name this week.
Also, I had a friend tell me today that it looks like I have lost quite a bit of weight and I am looking REALLY good. I said "Thank you" .... He said "You really are looking REALLY good. Keep it up" It made me feel GREAT cause I have been working hard and its nice to know that people are noticing. I have been working hard and I am glad that its start to show but in the same sense I am ashamed that I have let myself go so much!
I WILL KEEP WORKING HARD toward my goal! This weeks goal for exercise is to burn at least EVERY workout 500 calories and get in EVERY workout this week. This would make a complete burn of 3500 calories burned up this week. What are your goals?
Monday- FASTED CARDIO, followed by ST Arms in the afternoon
Tuesday- GYM -- This will be my heavy day for legs and cardio
Thursday- GYM- This will be my heavy arms and cardio
Friday- GYM- This will be my heavy day of legs and cardio
Sunday- FASTED CARDIO but probably more of a leisure walk --- camping :)Posted by Becca at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Cheers to Corinne!
I have to give a shout out to my trainer, Corinne. She has been working long hard 15 weeks on this competetion along with Lisa and Bill.
Corinne herself is just a HUGE inspiration to me. She lost over 110 pounds, has the best personality, has been a huge support, friend to me. I AM SO proud of all of her accomplishments including her starting PnP. Yesterday was their BIG DAY on their competetion .... All their hard work for a few moments of fame on the stage.Guess what? SHE WON FIRST PLACE in the tall class! I AM so happy for her. She has definetely showed me and everyone else that if you dream it, you can achieve it. All you need to do is put it out there and work hard to get it!
WAY TO GO CORINNE! Thanks for allowing me to watch your journey as well be a part of your group of wonderful girls! Love ya girlie! You are the best!
Posted by Becca at 8:47 PM 0 comments
There is an addict in the house ....
I am an addict but its a good addiction. I just love the thought of crossing that finish line, it makes me feel like I am doing so much more for myself than just hitting the tready or hitting the pavement. Something about getting that bib number, the t-shirt made me feel like I was a "winner" even if I wasn't the ACTUAL winner. I was a winner because I set my eyes on something and I went and did it!
Here is what I have planned. I am looking for a good 5k, 10k before the winter hits --- I might be able to find one, I might not but I am on the SEARCH.
Goals for 2009:
- Three 5k's (At least -- this will probably be in between each 1/2)
- Phoenix 1/2 Marathon 1.18.09
- Vernonia 1/2 Marathon (usually in April)
- Seattle 1/2 Marathon 6.27.09
- Whitefish 1/2 Marathon 9.20.09 (not an official date but approximated)
- Vernonia 5k/10k (Usually in August) ! I would like to continue to support this race every year! I think this is just going to be my "thing" that I do.
So do you think I can do it? If you are interested in being my running buddy, my cheerleader --- just let me know! I need all the support that I can get!
I plan on turning 28 next year in the BEST shape of my life! So who's with me? If you aren't with me, then are you against me? Sure hope not!
Posted by Becca at 7:16 PM 0 comments
I did it ... My First 10k
I finished my first 10k with my first Cris! I am so proud of us --- we mainly walked it but we did it. We did our FIRST 10k together! I am proud of us ..... I am proud of myself for going out there and doing it. I love being able to push myself or learn new things about fitness levels. :)
I am on for my next 5k, 10k or whatever it may be. :) Let's just RUNNNNN!
Here are a few pictures of the run with my friend, Cris! She rocked the whole way! Never stopped!
Posted by Becca at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Floating Away .....
Oh my! I am floating away! I think my body is going to start rejecting water ---- I should have started this gallon earlier in the day. I am trying to hydrate myself for the race tomorrow and its suppose to be HOT; not just warm but more like 104 out there! WHAT!
So I am trying to make sure that my muscles wont cramp up, that I wont get dehydrated so I am sucking down water starting at 2p getting a gallon in and I feel like I am floating away!
Wish me luck tomorrow! Run forest, run!
PS On another note about my problems or stresses in life, are they clearing up? Are they going away? NOPE .... Just one thing after another thing keep going on! UGH! Seriously people, you are going to make me go CRAZY or stick my head in the sand which will be pretty odd looking too.
Posted by Becca at 8:46 PM 0 comments
It's Official ...I'm signed up
I signed up for my FIRST 1/2 marathon that will be taking place down in Phoenix, Arizona. I am REALLY excited about but so nervous as well. First of all, I haven't ran any races at all. This year will be my first 10k but other than that I haven't been in a race ... I am hoping to catch another race before the end of the year. Like a 5k or something .... Just for giggles.
I don't think I would have ever had the thought cross my mind that I could actually Jog/ Run a 1/2 marathon until I met sweet Dawn on PnP. She made me realize that I could. So I jumped on the wagon when I realized that some of my fellower PnP'ers are going to be doing the Phoenix marathon. I am SO EXCITED to meet the ones that I haven't already met in person (Trish -- she has been a HUGE inspiration to me) and see maybe a few others that I have met like Paula but get to re-unite!
I feel like I have come to a point in my life that I can call myself an athlete and a runner! I have had to learn that my body transformation isn't going to happen every night but I am LEARNING each day more and more about myself, pushing myself to new levels and etc. Now let's get RUNNING!
Posted by Becca at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Whats wrong with people ....
I swear that I am surrounded by people who are losing their minds! What is wrong with people ... do people just not stop and think about anything anymore? Do they only care so much about themselves that they can't see how they live their lives hurts others? Is there something in the water? If so, LET ME NOT DRINK IT!
I find out with the last 24 hours that my childhood best friend (I dont know what we are anymore), had a brain tumor, went and had surgery. Did she call me or call her family? NO! We finally find out and her sister and mom are on their way to go and see her. Is she freakin' crazy? YES! Who doesn't call their family about something like that? Oh wait --- cause you have to cover up a lie.
This morning, we find out that Vincent's Aunt Kay left Uncle Bob. How could this have happened when we live a block and half away from each other? Do you just walk away from a 29 year marriage and be oka with that when 5 years ago when he almost died you had a nervous breakdown? What is up with her!!! OMG!
I swear everytime I turn around to talk to someone that something is going on. People are going completely CRAZY! I am ready to go and sell every item we have, go built a hut in the middle of nowhere and STAY to ourselves. Why? Cause people are going CRAZY! And if its not the people going crazy, its me going crazy cause they are driving me CRAZY!
Posted by Becca at 3:09 PM 0 comments
New Challenge, New Team ...
Today, we start our new challenge with our new teams at PnP! I am so EXCITED about our new team. I know we are going to do GREAT. We are trying to come up with a name and one of our team members said "Skull Crushers" though I love it --- I dont know if its 100% appropriate so I am not sure --- But it sounds so TOUGH and MEAN and I love it ---
Again I am really excited about starting this new challenge. In 8 weeks, 8 pounds .... whats not to love about it!? Right? :)
I started to think about a few things that is so GREAT about this challenge --- #1 for me is losing the weight. I really need to get off some extra pounds so the 8lbs in 8 weeks is GREAT. I have a few things coming up this fall that I would love to be able to lose some extra weight for --- one thing is my old company always has this fall bash party. I always use to have to go but this time --- I will be a guest. ONLY reason I want to go is that I haven't seen the majority of my co-workers since I left in May of this year and I would like to walk in looking 100% better than ever and have their jaws drop to the floor. Reasonable? Maybe not .. but a girl can dream, right? :)
Posted by Becca at 7:08 AM 0 comments
My Sister .... My Friend
I got a phone call from my sister on Thursday night saying that she needs to come and see me. She needs a hug from her lil sister! SHE DROVE ALL THE WAY HERE (she lives in Kalispell, MT and I live in Vernonia, OR) for a day with me ...... There is a lot to this story but the main thing is that is so important to me is that our relationship is on a HUGE mend. I love her so much --- She is a great sister and she is a wonderful friend! For awhile she had her own issues she was going through and sometimes she was NOT pleasant to be around but SHE has grown up, I have grown up and we are closer than ever. NO MATTER what we always come back around to each other --- we NEVER completely seperate from each other!
Here is a song that I dedicate to my sister --- I JUST LOVE IT. It fits me and her almost to a tee!
If you read this sis, I LOVE YOU! I will always LOVE YOU! Things are going to be oka. HANG IN THERE!!!!
Hey girl it's me i just called to tell you hi Call me when you get this Haven't talked lately so hard to find the time Give the boys a big kiss Tell them that I miss them By the way I miss you too I was thinking just today About how we used to play Barbie dolls and make-up Tea parties dress up I remember how we'd fight We made up and laughed all night Wish we were kids again My sister my friend Oh yeah before I forget I met someone I think I really like him I was wondering if I'm jumping the gun By going out on a limb And invite him home for Christmas To meet the family Seem like just yesterday You brought home old what's his name He had been drinking What were you thinking After dinner he passed out We can laugh about it now We've learned a lot since then My sister my friend Do you think you could come and see me sometime soon We could just hang out like we used to It's late and I should go But I can'y hang up the phone Until I tell you What I don't tell you enough Even though at times it seemed We were more like enemies I'd do it all again My sister my friend
Posted by Becca at 6:58 PM 1 comments
We are going to Peru ...
We just got a phone call saying that we found out that we are going to Lima, Peru in November 2009. How stinkin' exciting ..... Vincent and I were looking up pictures online and its gorgeous down there. I told him -- if that wont make us lose some weight. :)
So we are going to have to kick our butt into HIGH gear! We have 14 months until then so we best be looking good! :)
I can't wait to go down there --- learn about a new culture, enjoy our trip with some friends and have another experience to write about in our life journal.
Here are some facts about Peru if you dont know about it:
Weather when we will be there:
Though it does not rain in this coastal arid region,
Enjoy reading up on Lima, Peru! I will be sharing as we find more about our trip and where we will be staying etc! I can't believe it ---- we are going to PERU!
Posted by Becca at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Cottage or blueberry .....
Today I started in our painting our house! I am trying to do it in the mornings before it gets too warm outside. So here is a picture of me with my morning brew and painting away. HOpefully tomorrow, I will be better prepared and I will be able to get more done earlier in the day before the heat comes in. I believe I can get it completed this week (not including garage) but I think I can do that next week! Any way that I can make tan get darker for camping .........
I am REALLY thankful that my father in law extended his services. He came over to help me for a little bit this morning and plan is to come back tomorrow morning and help for awhile. THIS REALLY make a big difference. We got one side of the house done so by tomorrow we should have the other side done AND possibly the other side if I REALLY boogie! ;)Here is dad and me --- my little painting buddy! :)
So far here are a few pictures of our progress. I JUST may go back out there in a bit and try to get some more done, I am not sure right now what I am going to do for the rest of the day.Contrast from what it was BEFORE and what we are doing now. **The blue is the new**
The wall completed today besides the trim.
Do you think that the blue gives it a cottage feel? Or do you think it looks like a blueberry? Let me know what you think? YES I am thinking of keeping part of the color red in the windows for some sass! :)
If you have a lending hand, feel free and come pick up a paint brush and help out!
Posted by Becca at 1:21 PM 3 comments
Baby Blues ...
Wow .. I think I could have the having the baby blues. It seems like everyone around me before I got pregnant and since my miscarriage is having babies and having successful pregnancies. Don't get me wrong; I wouldn't wish anyone to have a miscarriage but WHY did I have too? I am constantly getting reminded somewhere; its like friends get pregnant, strangers get pregnant, emails come in our email box STILL that say you should be 1/2 way mark on your pregnancy, or we get an email today with this video for sale through Jen H. site for pregnancy and all I can think is that EVERYONE has babies or having them. But why not me?
I know that right now if I wanted too, I could have been trying to get pregnant again but honestly I wanted to get a little healthier because I didn't want to have this situation AGAIN in my life. HONESTLY, I just don't know if I could have handled another miscarriage and especially so soon!
So what is my plan? My plan is starting tonight AGAIN, I will start on my prenatal vitamins for at least 3 months before actively"try". I am going to start this challenge like there is NOTHING that is going to stop me and if I get pregnant in the 8 weeks of the challenge, I will think that its meant to be.
But REALLY how do I get over my blue blues? Sometimes its hard to put on a happy face when inside I keep saying "It should have been me ... or we would have been xx amount of weeks by now ..." Maybe its time to just focus on our life as we know it today and enjoy the time, the adventures we have had and when we get pregnant again PRAY that we will be able to hold onto that baby until we can hold that baby in our arms.
Posted by Becca at 7:58 PM 1 comments
Portland Marthon ....
I got an email from my friend, Carisa today and she asked if I was still thinking of the Portland Marathon. Sure I have thought about it but its 26 stinkin' miles! I mean seriously!!!!!! Thats from here to ..... Well the highway and longer. ;) And its OCTOBER 5th! YIKES!
She is planning on walking it and asked me if I wanted to join her still. I REALLY do but will I be READY for 26 miles of walking in ONE day? Will my feet be able to take it? Or will I fall over in the street? Or will I have 1000 blisters on my feet? Oh the things that will keep me up at night!
Oh the pondering things of my life ..... I need to make a decision though cause it fills up fast and I REALLY want to go --- I need to start walking my bootie!
So should I do it? Or should I wait until next year? What I am afraid of is that next year I will be pregnant or just had a baby (thats what I am hoping for anyhow) and wont be able to do it until 2010!
Posted by Becca at 4:46 PM 1 comments
Goals Til Fall
Where did the summer go? We didn't really have much of a summer here in Oregon. We had a couple of weeks of GREAT weather but now we don't have much summer and its cold (suppose to heat up but we will see).
I have been thinking of the things that I REALLY want to accomplish before winter REALLY sets in this year. These are my personal goals but hopefully the are the ones that help keep me on the straight and narrrow. Vincent and I have been thinking of trying for another baby. BEFORE I commit to that, I really want to be a little bit healthier place in our life. Vincent is working good toward losing his weight which I know helps in other areas but since I will be the main concern, the one that has to worry about my health and the baby's health of carrying it, I have decided to try to make these changes by November-ish:
- Workout intensely for 6 days a week(4 ST, 2 cardio only days). I will have one week of taper week when we are camping but I will make it up by doing cardio ONLY.
- EAT like an athlete because I am an athlete.
- Prepare myself by taking the needed vitamins EVERYDAY.
- Minimize the caffeine and diet soda - Drink 1 cup of coffee daily, drink water/ or Crystal Light instead of diet soda.
- Work from the 170's to the 160's MAYBE even 150's.
- Work into jeans that are a size 10 or 8'is in EVERY brand.
Posted by Becca at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Wonderful Day ...
Today, I spent the day with Vincent as we drove around pricing out flooring and figuring out what it is that we would like to have in our house. I am sure that we have an idea now ... now we just have to go and get it put together :)
After our adventure at Lowes, Home Depot, and Costco for flooring we went and had a yummy little dinner at Sushi Maki. This is our little place to spend some dinners together. Its become our little place. :) After this, we went and we saw the "THE DARK KNIGHT" movie (batman for all that dont know). It was a great movie ... I really ENJOYED it.
I have say something about Vincent. He is trying so hard to lose weight, to be good and healthy. I am REALLY proud of him. He is working so hard and it REALLY shows. I'm so happy and proud of him because I know that it is NOT easy to do. KEEP up the good work Vince! You will be happy that you did. Feeling healthy, skinny is so much better than the feeling of that ho-ho going in your mouth. :) I love you babe!
Posted by Becca at 11:11 PM 0 comments
torn between to worlds....
I have to say that I am really homesick for oregon and vincent but then ive been in montana and north idaho and I miss my life and friends here. I just feel so torn between the two places. Of course there are reasons that I don't or fear coming back to Idaho but I still miss it so much. The life here is so much the same in a way to vernonia but then again its so much different. I just really miss it but it will be good to see and be home again in Oregon. I hope that I can get to the point that I can come back more and more to see family and friends. :)
Well I'm here at Monrach coffee to meet my sweet friend, Deb. Man I love her and miss her. Maybe we will get another picture together.
Posted by Becca at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Is this puppy love or what ....???
Today Vincent and I just went into town for lunch, get a few things for our camping trip at the end of next month and we getting a few things done. :) I just love him so much ... have you just sometimes spent some time with someone that you love before and you just realize how much you are in love that person that you can't even express it in words! :)
Thats how I feel about Vincent. He is my world --- I love spending every second with him. I just love how we can spend time together doing the smallest things yet we are perfectly happy and content!
Here is a picture of us --- today we took it and I think we are so cute and I REALLY love this picture of us and I think its something that is so sweet!
Posted by Becca at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Tready The Treadmill
Today we got delivered to us Tready the Treadmill. I am so excited about it ... Its going to be so nice to be able to have it here at home so there will be NO excuse not to work out and I am hoping that Vincent will able to use it as well.
I am SUPER excited about tready the treadmill. :) See ya every morning at 6am Tready! :)
Posted by Becca at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Camp 18
What is the best thing about Camp 18? I HAVE TO SAY the cinnamon rolls! But the best part is that Vincent and I had a little lunch date together. It was a lot of fun --- its probably like 30 mins from our house but its an old logging lodge but they have GREAT food, lots of it and the atmosphere itself is a lot of fun.
So today we went up there -- had a wonderful little lunch date together. We brought home just ONE of their cinnamon rolls for a treat later. OH HEAVEN! I just love these things! I think it is almost worth the drive to head back up there just to get another one.
I mean look at it -- its the size of his hand!
My sexy man ... I just love him to pieces! **KISS**
Posted by Becca at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Visit with my Mom ..
I had my mom come and stay down here for a couple days -- Just about it a week. There were good times, bad times but overall I guess I can say it was a good day. I have come to realize that we are not alike in a lot of ways but that is oka. Thats what is so GREAT about being who we are is that we have our own personalities.
We got to go to the ocean and enjoy a day at the beach. I have to say this was a GREAT day for both us. My mom hasn't been able to visit the beach in a long time but she REALLY seemed to enjoy it. I am so happy that we got to go ---I miss my mom in so many levels. I guess a part of me is the kid who misses the times we had as child/ mother. I mean there were a lot of ups and downs in childhood but really who doesn't have those. I just miss how we could openly talk more and more. Now its hard cause we are so far apart ... maybe we will be close again some day.
I love her so much! I hope that we will be able to have another NICE visit together. ;) She was planning on another trip here in October so I hope that we will be able to enjoy another great time. Maybe this time we will get to the falls? Who knows ... lets see what I have up my sleeve for then. :)Picture of all of us together in our newly tiled kitchen :) Oh and that shirt she is wearing --- its cause of me! I had to take her shopping to get some pretty! :)
Posted by Becca at 12:37 PM 2 comments
Six Months -- I MISS YOU GRAMPA!
I can't believe its been six months since I last talked to my sweet grampa. Where has the time gone? Has the pain gotten easier? HELL no! Its just that I know how to compress my feelings VERY well. Since I dont want to cry my eyes out all the time; I just put it aside and try not to think about it. I like to think about when he was alive and he would joke with me, always giving me a hard time about something, telling me that he was proud of me or that he loved me. SO today; I try hard to remember those times and try to still live my life so that he would be proud of me EVERYDAY. I sure do miss him --- I can't wait to be able to see him again, hug him and tell him about everything. Besides my husband, he was the second best man in my life and I will NEVER forget him. I will never live my life a day without thinking of him, I will never live my life so that he would be disappointed in me.
I love you Grampa!
This picture is one of the last hugs I had from my grampa! I will never forget!!
Posted by Becca at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Ol' Friends are like Ol' Favorite Jeans ..
I had a blast going to visit my friend, Tonja and her family. I haven't ever got to meet her kids just been living through them growing up via email and pictures. I haven't seen or got to hang out with Tonja since like '96 or '97. It was great to catch up. It was funny cause we were both nervous about hanging out with each other in person since we haven't done that but it was like no time had ever gone by --- a lot of things are like we were the same person. Maybe that is why we ended up being friends. In the first place -- Or maybe it was she was jealous of my silk shirt and wanted it for herself. Haha
While I was back there, we rode ATV's together --- this is where Tonja got an injury with my driving (haha --- just a scratch), we went to the water park --where we got whiplash from the 9' wave pool, we shopped and then shopped some more, we cut off Tonja's hair :) Oh I am sure that we did to get each other in trouble.
It was great to see her again and hang out. I personally feel like it "renewed" our friendship that we already had. I think we will only get closer now ... Or I sure hope so.Tegan --- What can I say about Tegan? He is so cute and adorable yet sometimes he can drive you BATTY insane but such a cutie. He is all boy that is for sure --- Into everything and trying to figure out everything :)
And who knew a kid could have so many questions in such a short amount of time.Tatum --- She is as cute as a bug but why wont she love me? WHY! :) I bought her a few things and she just uses me and abuses me. No love from the tater factory. ;)
I miss my friends already but I hope to be able to see them again soon! :)
Posted by Becca at 11:48 AM 0 comments