
do you see the apple in my eye .....

Today, my wonderful hubby bought me a MACBOOK pro. Oh, how I do love macs. I wasn't expecting it at all today either. Don't get me wrong, I would take it and be happy but I went to get him something and we ended up getting me a macbook. You see when we first got married, he had boughten a mac laptop that I pretty much took over, I fell in love with it .. One morning, I woke up to seeing some of the pixels dead in it .... What a sad day. So we bought me an iMac, I had this for awhile but I got frustrated with the lack of software that I could get with it. I converted to PC ... ever since that day, I have never REALLY been happy with any of my computers, I have always longed to have a mac again ..... Even when I got my more recent laptop, I would have been happier getting a mac .... So today my world is a little more complete with a new MACBOOK pro sitting on my lap as I type this out. I feel like a gitty little school girl or maybe it is more of a spoiled girl cause I got what I REALLY would love to have but one thing is for sure .. I AM VERY happy with it. Now, I am going to give my newer but "old" laptop to my hubby. 

Pictures of my actual laptop will follow this post but its time for a girl to backup her old computer and get her new computer READY for the world. :) Can you tell that I am excited? Oh boy, oh boy .. I am giddy! 
Thanks again sweetie. I LOVE YOU TOO PIECES!