
Retraining our brains

For so long, we have been brainwashed on thinking that we should either be a side -0 because that is what Hollywood said and the only way to do this is by starving ourselves and etc or always hearing that strength training is going to bulk you up and you want long, lean muscles.

Ok here is the story! Everyone needs to quit looking on TV for quick fixes! No more diet pills (promising you will lose 30# in 2 weeks) or programs! Everyone (including myself at times) wants to take off the weight overnight. People get discouraged cause they are only losing .5lb to 1lb a week. The worse is when you have been doing so well all week, you step on it and you see a GAIN! Immediately, you want to throw your hands in the air and say "I quit ... there is no use. I am always going to be fat." HOLD ON!!! Lets stop and look at the week you just had ..... 1) you have been exercising, you body isn't use to this kind of "abuse" and is retaining water to repair itself. 2) you haven't been properly fueling yourself along with your exercising ...... 3) you have to include some weights in there girls! This will help you burn more fat when you are still sleeping and eating while cardio wont! If you don't believe me, take a look at my PnP family! I don't think they will sugar coat anything for ya here but that is ok, that's what I want and need. 4) You are eating more 100 calorie packs than you are veggies or whole grains. Don't get me wrong, I thin that WW is a great program to use when used correctly but I find too many times that people are eating "diet coke cake" for BREAKFAST! WHAT!!! Or they justify to have a ice cream cake because they have the points for it but they haven't had their dairy, fruits or veggies in there. THIS is the problem!!!

I still have to remind myself of these sometimes. I have to look back on my weeks journal and see why I am maintaining or not losing. Maybe I ate out 3x this week but stayed within my calories but the sodium levels are EXTREME! So before you just throw in the towel, I promise if you educate yourself properly that you will see results! You will! But you have to give it some effort -- some blood, sweat and tears! It may be easy to gain the weight but you are going to have to work like HELL to get it off! But will it be worth it? This is a personal matter ... Is your life worth it for you!? My answer is YES! I realize that I am going to have to work hard, train hard, eat like I am in training and I am going to be glad I did in the end! I am not going to throw in my towel at the end of a bad day, bad week ..... I will just dust off my butt and move on!
Today is the day to dust off the ol' bottom, get working on bettering yourself and educating yourself. You must learn so you will be able to do this for a lifetime!