

I am really happy that with my progress with making changes to my life for making it better. Is it easy? Heck no!! It takes a lot of work but one of the "tools" or "keys" would you say that I use is that I have been pre-planning. Yep, thats right!!! I have figured out what I am doing with both my food and my exercise routines! Its hard to preplan your week all the time. Sometimes you may feel "trapped" or feel like you aren't able to change your mind or something. Now if you have preplanned you would switch Tuesdays dinner for Mondays dinner if you wanted too but the key is that you are looking, planning to make sure you get in all your HG's in all the time. Are you getting enough calories, protein, fiber, carbs .... then you have your fruits, veggies!!!? I have found if I do this there are a lot less bumps in the road, less speed bumps hit at 50mph! This is if your life and the only person that can take control of it. I will say until I am blue in my face but I have seen how preplanning can TRULY help.
How about this? Try to preplan one meal for the week! Then start adding to it. Next, your workouts!!!

On the bright side this week, I lost 2.4lbs! I couldn't believe it!!! I was so EXCITED!

This weekend was a great weekend! We had a friend up, I didn't overindulge on anything. I did have a little bite or two cookies but I limited myself and I didn't let myself get out of control! I am really pleased. Sugar is my "crack" and I am glad that I am getting over it.

My sweetie mentioned that he can see that I lost some weight in my face!!! It means a lot of me to have him be so supportive. He is always helping me, he is always listening to me and I know that he is probably tired of hearing it all the time but he is sweet and listens. :) He helps wtih the meal preparing. Yippee!! Also here is some more little "woohoo" that I received that helps me keep going.

  • WOOHOO Becca... so proud of you. You are just this little PNP blossom! Good job on the planning. That's such a huge part of the battle!~M.W.
  • Becca, I am just so proud of you. You have really turned the corner and are making this part of your life and making great decisions that are going to get you closer to your goal each day. Just keep doing it and I promise you will see the progress and be so thankful for the good choices you made. ~D.
  • Seriously - you earned this girl and I'm so proud of you - I'm beaming right now! ~T.T.

I have more but I don't want to seem like a hothead :) But all the love, support has HONESTLY helped me this week! It makes me feel like I am getting a viritual hug from all of my wonderful PnP girls!! (((HUGS)))