
Small town, crappy gym ....

I got so disappointed today!! I was super excited before about the local gym thinking that it was going to be a great thing for me. It’s a local gym (no chain) I live here in a small town (population 2200). I have been sick but today I was feeling better so time to go sign myself up (one of my things to do this weekend) and get to working out even if it was just a little cardio.

I get up shower, get dress (phew … I almost had no energy) go there sign up; give them a check for the whole YEAR. When I first come up there, he was trying to get me to jump into his whole thing about his program, his nutritional program (approved by two doctors now) and his workout. I said “Thanks for the generous offer but I think for now I am going to just work with the information that I have from a friend (that’s right Corinne, you are a friend of mine) who is a personal trainer and she has set me up with a workout. He asked if he could look at it. I said “sure”. He did and he told me that I had to be fooling myself that I need to quit playing with the big kids and I need to focus on fat loss before I start using the big toys (weights).

After the whole two piece of paperwork that I had signed. I jumped on the treadmill knowing that it doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles but that’s fine. Get on there, start it up on there 20 minutes, starts making some horrible grinding noise (and in my head I am thinking … am I too fat for this machine). I look at the treadmill next to it and it has this fat piece of duct tape that says “NO RUNNING” my heart drops. WHAT!!! I look around to this other machine that looks like a treadmill and sure enough is but MANUAL … I mean even Corinne doesn’t hate me that much. J I am still on the search, look at the bikes hop on one … they are like the old fan ones from the 50’s or something. No real way to know how fast or anything. Sigh!!!!! I go home completed disappointed. Feeling like I wasted my money and I wont be able to utilize the gym for my fitness needs. I went home to think about it for awhile, what to do. I am a person who is nice (most of the time) and never want to make people feel bad but come on. I go back up there to talk to him. I told him and his wife that I just don’t know if their gym was a good fit for me and etc. Standing there talking to him for about 20 minutes, I got my $$ back. As we stood there talking he kept telling me when I want to get serious about my weight loss and fitness to come and talk to him. Read his book, have him train me and I won’t be disappointed. I have been a bodybuilder, trained 100’s over the US, blah, blah, blah. If I am looking to run, then you need to train outside and run. No gym equipment can train me for that. If I want to box, then I need to jump in the pin and box. I was just thinking: “Ok Mr. BodyBuilder I have a big ego cause look at my medals and I have written three books”!

The worst part of my day and what made me the most upset was that he was talking all about him and how great he was and not giving Corinne any credit. I can look and see the proof in the pudding of how great she is and her workouts.

Back to square one, I am looking at getting at home treadmills AGAIN! J But I am not letting this get me down. I might have to work around cardio for a few days, weeks but I am going to do this and then he will see me Phit in town and be like “damm … I wish I would know what she did and I will never tell him” :)

I just know that sometimes some people can be too full of themselves and it shows in his gym equipment and everything. But I will not let this get me down. It’s a great learning lesson. So next …………..


E said...

Good for you for going back and getting your money back. Don't let what he said get you down. You know what works for you, and that's what matters.