
No more excuse plan ..

I am the queen of making excuses of why I didnt eat good or why I didn't workout. I am tried of being this person. I want to be the person who accomplishes what she said she was going to do. This is what I want OVERALL in my life. So for 2008 and onward, I have made myself the promise of not making excuses.

I am going to be going to the gym today to join up a membership here locally. I want to be able to commit to going to the gym. For awhile there I kept saying I would do everything here at home but I am NOT doing it so I am going to go to the gym here in town so that I can get home (since I drive to and forth from work 1hr each way) at a reasonable time.

I am signing myself up for some upcoming challenges to keep me focused especially for the first couple weeks into the new year.I have a planned a DOR on Sundays so that I can focus on the upcoming week.

Honestly anyone that is in my shoes of being overweight, we are the only one that control anything that goes on in our life. No one else can make us go to the gym, make us NOT want to eat that candy bar, or anything else. We need to focus and commit ourselves EVERYDAY to waiting to help ourselves! It may sound selfish but you got one chance at life!!!! Why not make it a healthy one? This came up because I do not want another year of looking back on my life and saying "If I did this or If I did that ...." especially about my life, my health, my weight ... NO MORE EXCUSES! Is that candy bar worth years of being unhappy about my weight? I dont think so. I had to make the decision in my own head. Now, what about you? What are you going to do with your life and your decisions? Remember life happens ... we will have dinners, we will have family events, we will not be perfect 100% but its the part of us that we need to get up, dust the dirt off our butts and get back on the wagon. Don't allow one dinner, one week, one vacation to keep you off track for the rest of our life!