
Do I really look like this?

This morning I wake up, feeling good cause for the most part this week I have eaten pretty good, I feel like I am losing some weight and some inches. I think to myself, what can I wear? I have this meeting today and I want to look nice. Right? So I am think that my outfit will look awesome then I look in the mirror and I all I can see is this roll here, or that imperfection here. Why do I do that? What causes me to not like what I look like?

Last night, one of the girls that I chat with through WW said she applied to a personal ad and the guy commented back and said "i don't like plus size girls" and her response back was "either do i". Do people really honestly believe that we enjoy being a little overweight. We already have that demon that we live with. We don't like being overweight either. I just don't understand why people do that. I have had comments like that lately as well. Like people will say, "you look nice but ..... " or "that diet doesn't seem to be working very well huh Becca" or "I see you haven't been to the gym lately huh" ..... I just don't get people!

The good news is a really good friend of mine but also my co-worker has decided to join the gym that is literally right across the parking lot from our work and go and workout during our lunch hour so that we can get some exercise in but we don't have to take away time from our families. She is a wonderful mother of 3 beautiful children and barely gets to spend any time with them anyhow so what a great way for us to spend some time together AND get to do something for our health. :)