
The Devils Hand in the Cookie Jar ..

Today I went to Target with Erma. She wanted to get some stuff so I said "ok, I will go .." She goes through the candy isle and I can't believe it, it was a whirlwind in the aisle, going right, left hand over hand candy going in the basket! It was TERRIBLE! I told her "What are you doing? Are these gifts?" She said "Some but most aren't. I love Christmas time, it has the best candy. " I said"Until the next holiday." She kept asking me over and over "Do you want this and this and this?" I said "No thank you. I don't want to eat crap like that." The only thing I did have was a tootsie pop sucker this afternoon. It was peppermint :) She gave me a couple of candies and I said "I will have them later." I went back to the office and threw them in the garbage!

This was an acknowledgment: I resisted candy. Yes, I resisted peppermint bark, and everything!

I was thinking today that every month there is some kind of holiday or something that people that want to celebrate with either food or holiday this or that! No wonder American's are so fat. There is a bunch of junk and NO SELF control.

Thats my rant for the day!