
Sweat plus sacrifice equals success

This saying is up on the wall of my gym: Sweat plus sacrifice equals success. So what does that mean to me? Sweat; we pour our hearts, souls, energy into our workouts. Sacrifice; maybe we give up foods that we use to really enjoy, eat the foods that we don’t really enjoy but it’s something on our “diet”. We give up time that we can spend with our families, or watching our TV show or hobbies, or enjoy that extra hour of sleep in the comfy bed to get our workouts in to make ourselves healthier and overall enjoy more of our “life” with them doing the things we wanted to do. We go to the gym, kick butt, pour blood, sweat and sometimes tears to get the body of our dreams.

So what does it mean to you? What are you willing to “sacrifice”? Do you believe that you are worth the hard work and sacrifice that you have to do to be able to enjoy life to the fullest?

For me the sacrifices that I will and do give up are worth it. Why? Because I will have more confidence in myself, my health will be better to be able to enjoy with my family, I will have the energies to do the things in life that I want to do. How many times do we got to events in life whether its parties, weddings, sporting events with friends and family and we are so self conscience during the whole thing whether we look “okay” or I hope they don’t notice this or that, we miss the real joy of the event.

During the last year, I have had a lot of ups and downs but let me say that I have been enjoying more self confidence in myself because I see myself transforming. It’s like a little butterfly coming out of my cocoon. It’s now reflecting in my everyday life in all facets of my life. I can’t wait to see myself a year from now.

Now, its time for you … what are you going to do? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe that you are a woman or man that deserves the best in life? I hope so! Because we ALL deserve to have the best in life, I really do believe that!