
Closer, closer .... cold feet?

Why is it the closer that I get to Phat Camp that I feel a little less motivation? I dont even know if that is the RIGHT word for it but I am just feeling "discouraged" today. I want to be further along in my fitness world than I am. For whatever reason, I am craving sugar like there is no tomorrow. I had just have had a bad couple of days of food for some reason --- there was no rhyme or reason besides laziness & lack of motivation.

I hate to bring it up because I don't want to be a downer .... I just don't know what my deal is but I do refuse to let it get me to the places that I had been at before. I will just have to shake it off and move on. I will continue to just keep faking it.

I think that part of it was that I am worried or anxious over Phat Camp. Will I be strong enough? Will I have enough endurance? Will I be able to keep up with all the girls? Will I let Corinne down? I think I am anxious over that since I have been with Corinne so long that I should be at goal but it took me awhile to find myself, then I got going, then I got pregnant, then I miscarried and this week is FINALLY my week that I can go "balls to the wall" and I think I am just having a mental block.

Maybe I will make an early night and I hope that tomorrow will bring a better day, better attitude. :)


red said...

You will be wonderfudl at Phat Camp.You can do it.
Kick that Fat Girl in the head and just keep on truckin.

Marie said...

Hang in are doing great!!! I know things are hard for you rigt now. Just think about how you felt 6 months ago and how you feel today...I know you feel 1 million times better today. Don't worry about Phat Camp you made the commitment to go and that's half the battle.