
Missing my Grampa

Today has been 4 months since I lost my Grampa! People say that it gets easier the longer someone has been gone but I haven't really found that "easier part" ... EVERYDAY I still find myself trying to pick up the phone to talk to him, feeling like I miss him more and more. He isn't here to share the things that I want to share. There are things that I am doing that he would be proud and I have no one to share it with. Makes me sad ... Makes me miss him more!

I love you Grampa! You are still in my heart! You will never leave it! I love you each day!!!! You will always have a place in my heart --- I just wish you were here to share my life with me.

I LOVE YOU GRAMPA! Why did you have to leave me? I miss you so much. I miss you picking on me, I miss you laughing, I miss talking to you, I miss sharing my life with you Grampa. My life seems empty without you in it. You mean so much to me and I can never replace you!

Things you would be proud of me for:
- Getting healthier (I have lost 20ish pounds this year)
- Going to Nashville for a fitness camp (you would think I was crazy... and maybe I am a little)
- Tiling our kitchen counters

I am sure there is more but I just simply miss spending my life with you!