
Lets move ahead!

I was thinking today. Why do I still here and analyze on what I could have accomplished in the past when I really need to focus on where I am going on the future. I think this is true for a lot of us. We sit idle thinking of if I did this or that, I would be at goal by now. In the end, we beat ourselves up and we go and some of binge, we fall off the wagon again and it’s this never ending cycle.
I told myself today that I need to focus on what I want to be in the future, then figure out the steps that I need to take to get there, and then maybe along those steps there are baby steps along the way. What kind of rewards can I earn along the way as well? Maybe at our 10lbs loss, we will reward ourselves to a massage or pedicure. Why not give yourself kudos along the way? Makes us feel better about ourselves. Instead of thinking, its only 10#s or maybe its 1#, we can think … one less lb, I have to worry about. And feel a sense of accomplishment.

The only thing we can do about the past is look back, see where we made our mistakes, how to avoid them and LEARN FROM THEM. But we can’t change the past so there is no real reason to dwell on it in my opinion. I think too many of us get caught up in this.

So what are you going to do today to start making changes? Me … I am working on my storyboard. I am hoping seeing the visual guides will help me on my journey and make stronger, healthier woman.