
Hanging in there ..

Today is a hard day for me but all in all, I am holding up though it seems like its by a string.

I went in for a DnC -- It was a hard day for me emotionally. Its was the "final thing" to do to get things behind us. The procedure itself went okay but emotionally its been really hard for me but Vincent has been the sweetest, kindest, and been completely supportive during the whole thing.

I have not only been upset over the DnC part but also for the fact that I had to go in for "minor surgery". I had never been in surgery and that part FREAKED me out.

Now its time for me to move on but its a little hard to be honest. All of the sudden, I hear that EVERYONE is pregnant or hear it on TV, radio or something. It just seems like a slap in the face all the time but I am trying to make plans or things to have on my plate to help me keep moving forward. If I don't, I think I will go crazy :)

Thanks for all the love and support that you have all given me --- there is no enough words to say "Thank you" :) I love you all!